Grammatical or spelling mistakes can cost you dearly. Have your writing checked and edited from RM6: resume, ad, banner, brochure, memo, article, manual, essay, etc. Visit
Nowadays, most companies in Malaysia are able to accept applications by email. Some even accept only email applications.
Sending job applications by post is not the popular method anymore. But, whether writing your application cover later on a paper or as an email, you still need to know a few common rules or guidelines.
If you're printing out the cover letter to be posted, the content at the top should be your address, followed by the address of the employer. Then start with Dear Sir/Madam. This is just the standard way practised in Malaysia (and many other countries).
If you're writing the application as an email, just start with Dear Sir/Madam.
The content of the application should be short and concise. Recruiters or employers prefer not to read long application letters. It should contain two or three SHORT paragraphs with one or two sentences per paragraph. You can put in more information if you're absolutely sure it will be of interest to the recruiter.
Content of an application letter:
Remember these:
Sample job application letter. (Right click to save or click to view in browser)
In some countries, Resume and CV(Curriculum Vitae) are treated differently. CV is more professional and detailed, whereas Resume is for most other jobs. In other countries, including Malaysia, Resume and CV are treated the same.
Basically, a resume is a document for presenting your contact information, education history, employment history and some other information. All the information should be presented in a simple to read layout -- preferably in point form. Do not write long paragraphs -- just list the facts and data.
A complete resume should include these items:
It is important to keep a soft copy of your resume and update the information regularly. When you attach your resume to be sent out, it can be a file in Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat format. Do not use any uncommon file format.